Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Current Political Cartoon

This image describes the ugly opinion of US imperialism. Uncle Sam is depicted as conquering the world and claiming many of its regions. the world map is shown with stakes sticking out of continents and countries with Uncle Sam's image on the top end of each one. His face is a snarling one with dramatic shadowing, furrowing eyebrows and bared teeth. Images of people rioting are seen along the bottom of the map. This artist is very much against US imperialism, showing the nation as controlling, cruel and greedy. The rioting people express the idea of common disgust for the US "helping" influence.
My reaction to this work was at first one of surprise. The US has been accused of being nosy and imperialistic before, but I feel this has taken it to the extreme. Nevertheless, I can respect its dramatic impact and message. Messages often times do not get clearly across unless they are bold, blunt and in your face. This work succeeds on those levels.

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